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What Is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics refers to the specialized dentistry field of straightening teeth. This can be done using traditional braces or invisible braces depending on patient preferences and doctor recommendation.

woman smiling outdoors

What Are the Primary Benefits of Orthodontics?

If your teeth are crooked and misaligned, you might be self-conscious when smiling and find yourself hiding your smile. Straightening your teeth through orthodontic treatment can help you feel more confident about your smile and be more willing to show it off.

About Connell Family Dentistry

We strive for patient satisfaction and comfort when it comes to orthodontic services in Harvey, LA. We want you to have a great experience and love the way that your teeth look. We also take a customized approach to each individual patient we see to ensure they are getting the best-personalized care.

Let Connell Family Dentistry Take Care of Your Smile